How can I conclude my life recently? BUSY!
Weekday, I work until 11pm, go home take bath then continue to work again, until 2am, sleep, wake up at 8:30am (luckily :p), then another busy day.
Weekend, I wake up slightly late, but no shopping no chill out, work from home till late too.
WHAT A LIFE! And you may ask why? Because the Maxis 3G network swap project is in the full swing now, plus my manager who is the strongest player in my team being pulled out from project to concentrate in management, what makes it worse is, my team (now left with 2 kolian engineers) is responsible for the bloody-no-mistake KLCC area. :(
Anyway, things must have their bright side too! To be frank, the heavy workload that I'm having now, at least helps me adapting to the life after my bf leaving Msia again, because I got no time to miss him at all. :p Plus, the workload makes me feel that I'm worthy for the pay, I mean... hey boss you should pay me more! Haha. Then I have one big bonus from thousand miles, a Gucci bag to reward me working so hard recently, of course not from my boss. :p
Great friends always support and care on me. Housemates always call when they haven't seen me at home after 11pm, some friends even finding job for me, LOL! And, our jalan jalan cari makan gang wouldn't stop traveling for food! Travel all the way to Ampang for the genuine yong tao fu... I had a great day because that is the first time I really visit Ampang, I love going somewhere new and seeing something fun! :D
Busy work won't stop me from enjoying my life, will visit bf's sister for her new-born baby after today's work. Baby I'm coming!