Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, to Me

Today, I am officially 27, hihi.

I am one step closer to 30, but I hope not people will call me auntie. :p

My age is increasing, and my belly is bulging;

My life is hectic, but I hope I won't forget simple things which make me happy.

I have been changing, really. ;)

I transform from a hamster, to an apple,  then become an unique ball with bread face.

I start to wonder the meaning behind busy working life, is it only because of money?

I drive fast to reach destination early, I walk fast to queue in the front,  I eat fast so that I could save time to settle unfinished works.

I start to forget the smell of greens, the sound of river, and the taste of wind.

I start to think, when I start building a family, with kids, shall I watching them growing, guiding them walking, or working in the office and letting the baby-sitter to witness their precious 点点滴滴?

I realized that my mum is seriously a wise lady, she had been asking me to become a teacher since I was like..... 13. :|

Despite of all kinds of thinking, I am still a happy me. :D

Happy Birthday to me, and Merry Xmas to everybody!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

看过了期待已久,由畅销小说改编的电影“The Time Traveler’s Wife”,感觉就是悲,一种凄美的悲伤。





Thursday, September 24, 2009









PS: 好歹在假期去了些绿油油的稻田看看和海蓝蓝的渔村吃海鲜,充电啊!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



我是个挺悲观的人,但是我感恩,上天让我永远保留了童真。我的心底,总有个长不大的小精灵,在我不开心,或是感觉有压力时,这个小不点就会叮叮咚咚地在我的脑袋里跑来跑去。我会自个儿咿咿呀呀的讲话(当然,我只讲给自己听:p),或者哩哩啦啦地唱歌,再不然,我就把气我的人想成是只青蛙,doink doink doink 地跳来跳去。




Saturday, June 27, 2009



从今天开始我就正式从现在这已经呆了整整一年的项目离开。手头上的任务已经完成了七七八八,还剩下一些琐碎的,上周忙着移交给新人,偶尔抬头看看这一班相处了一年,一起奋斗、一起收拾大便 (粤语: zap xi)、一起生气、一起埋怨、一起挡子弹、一起苦中作乐、一起开大食会的工作伙伴们,心中总会浮现丝丝的不舍,但总不敢让自己的思绪停留在那边,一直告诉自己还有点时间。



[caption id="attachment_460" align="alignnone" width="275" caption="牛排午餐"]牛排午餐[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_462" align="alignnone" width="281" caption="光头争着秀肥肉"]光头争着秀肥肉[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_463" align="alignnone" width="284" caption="Chris几乎被KC谋杀"]Chris几乎被KC谋杀[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_464" align="alignnone" width="286" caption="最后来张大合照"]最后来张大合照[/caption]

记得我们还未完成的约定,万挠兰姐蒸非洲鱼,还有当然就是Aman Suria 烧烤会。再见。 :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

生活的艺术 - 人







Monday, April 27, 2009

Angelic Devil - Evan Rachel Wood

She absolutely caught my attention when I saw her picture for the first time - Evan Rachel Wood.

She looks so special, I mean, extraordinary pretty, the angelic face but yet with devilish mysterious kind of character. Just unique.

Sometimes, she is just so sweet:

[caption id="attachment_444" align="alignnone" width="200" caption="The innocent pretty lass"]The innocent pretty lass[/caption]

Then, you found her in:

[caption id="attachment_445" align="alignnone" width="201" caption="The wild Evan as she is famous for"]The wild Evan as she is famous for[/caption]

Don't worry, I love man and choose man as my partner of life. And being a woman, I think I definitely feel paranoid if someone like her approaching my partner. :S

Luckily, she got an "unique" taste in man.

[caption id="attachment_446" align="alignnone" width="250" caption="Evan Rachel Wood with Marilyn Manson, who makes every man in the earth start looking at the mirror and wonder."]Evan Rachel Wood with Marilyn Manson, who makes every man in the earth start looking at the mirror and wonder.[/caption]

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Seven Pounds

Just back from watching "Seven Pounds" after steamboat-ing with housemates, our so-called routine activity once in months, and of course, a short break for me away from hectic work.

Why Seven Pounds? Because of Will Smith, because of Gabriele Muccino, because I was hoping for another "The Pursuit of Happyness".

But I think I'm a bit disappointed after watching it, maybe I don't really like the scene between Tim (or Ben) and Emily, for no reason. Maybe I would prefer if Tim never end his love to his wife, and he just want to help anyone as he could, regardless of whether to ease his guilt to the victims.

The front part was a bit slow, but still okay for me, pity my housemates nearly slept in the beginning. :( But I think Will Smith truly deliver the performance perfectly with his own charisma on the screen, love seeing him expressing every single emotion through his eyes. That's what I like.

What should be next? The Reader I perhaps.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009






我不求什么,只求身边的人健健康康,快快乐乐。 愿大家努力工作,认真生活,笑着过每一天。

Monday, March 2, 2009

Life is Fun

How can I conclude my life recently? BUSY!

Weekday, I work until 11pm, go home take bath then continue to work again, until 2am, sleep, wake up at 8:30am (luckily :p), then another busy day.

Weekend, I wake up slightly late, but no shopping no chill out, work from home till late too.

WHAT A LIFE! And you may ask why? Because the Maxis 3G network swap project is in the full swing now, plus my manager who is the strongest player in my team being pulled out from project to concentrate in management, what makes it worse is, my team (now left with 2 kolian engineers) is responsible for the bloody-no-mistake KLCC area. :(

Anyway, things must have their bright side too! To be frank, the heavy workload that I'm having now, at least helps me adapting to the life after my bf leaving Msia again, because I got no time to miss him at all. :p Plus, the workload makes me feel that I'm worthy for the pay, I mean... hey boss you should pay me more! Haha. Then I have one big bonus from thousand miles, a Gucci bag to reward me working so hard recently, of course not from my boss. :p

Great friends always support and care on me. Housemates always call when they haven't seen me at home after 11pm, some friends even finding job for me, LOL! And, our jalan jalan cari makan gang wouldn't stop traveling for food! Travel all the way to Ampang for the genuine yong tao fu... I had a great day because that is the first time I really visit Ampang, I love going somewhere new and seeing something fun! :D

Busy work won't stop me from enjoying my life, will visit bf's sister for her new-born baby after today's work. Baby I'm coming!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We Will Remember You - The Sweetest Angel

11:59pm, 31st Dec 08, while everybody was busy celebrating the new year countdown, my sweet and pretty colleague came from China, was struggling after a hit.

2:00am, 1st Jan 09, while everybody was still fascinated with the awesome firework performance, the kind and helpful young girl, passed away without seeing her boyfriend and parents in oversea.

As a responsible and hardworking engineer, as usual, she worked until 9pm++ on new year eve. She was rushing back to the apartment to pack her stuff, because she had to fly off to Brunei for another project the other day. Rushing to cross the road, the next minute she knew, she was already lying on the road, after being hit by a speeding car.

There were rumours and speculation, that it was a hit and run, that she was afraid to use the pedestrian bridge because there were many cases happened there, that she was there for very long time before people saw and sent her to hospital. I do not know about this, and I couldn't justified, all I know is, an old couple lost their beloved daughter, a guy working hard abroad lost the one in his life.

I did not have much expression on face for the whole day, no weeping, no groaning, nothing, because the pain is so deep inside. The saddest thing is, you know you can do nothing to change this. You can do absolutely nothing to bring her back.

Keep praying, I hope the mantra helps.

The warmest and sweetest smile, that is something that we will never forget.