Monday, January 22, 2007

Blood Diamond

10m_1If you think you look so darn elegant and glamorous with diamond necklace or ring or any accessories, watch Blood Diamond and think again;

If you like to show off your how many carat of diamond ring to your colleague or pals, yes, watch Blood Diamond;

If you think one's status or so-called beauty is reflected by the diamond or any branded stuff you're wearing, I tell you what, money isn't make you looks prettier while knowledge and kind heart are the things you should have;

If you think Africa is so far away and none of your bloody business, go read any book related to starving African or tribal war which happened so frequent in Africa;

If you think I'm just another stupid fella who is wasting my time because I cannot change the world, well ya, I know I that I'm just nobody and I ain't going to rule this world, I just do what I can do;

If you're interested to know more about African poverty and wish to offer some helps, log on to any website of World Relief Emergency, there are many ways to help them;

If you know what can we do to help them more, please share with me because I'm still a shallow fella and I need someone to guide me;

If you think Africa is too far away to help, yes, we can start from here, do donate your old clothes and old stuff to orphanage and there are some people to collect and distribute in PJ SS2 every 3rd Sunday; Buy tissue or biscuit from those disabled instead of buying Toto every week, and remember to put the money nicely into the money box with smile on your face, your smile would brighten up their second of life;

If you think I'm too much, so sorry about it, and this is me, an odd ball, and don't worry, we still can befriend, haha...


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (西藏生死书)

10095I’m a person full with questions in my brain since I was a
child. I woke my father up in the middle night just to ask him where would I be
after I died, I seek for the answer why did god create us while only allow few years
lifespan for us to stay on earth, I wondered why there are so many religions in
this world and does it means that there are different heaven and hell for each
religion, I questioned god why there are so many unfair phenomenon in people’s
life where some people live in poverty, struggling with war, famine with their
body bared, while some other might enjoy their luxury life in the other corner
of the world, spending plenty of money just to get one fashionable jacket with
animal fur on their shoulder.

Plenty of issues brought me to learn about Buddhism, and
certainly there is a fate for me to read this – The Tibetan Book of Living and
Dying. One good thing about this book is that, you don’t have to be a Buddhist
to read it; it’s for all of us, regardless of religion.

It talks a lot about living and dying, of course, even
elaborate the details of dying process, and teach us how we should face the
death. BUT, the most valuable knowledge that I’ve learned from it is not about
death, but it’s about the proper way of living.

I believe that death is not the final destination of life;
hence, we shouldn’t ruin the world harshly just to get the natural resource for
our own sake, knowing that it will cause irremediable consequences to the
earth. Knowing more about the Circle of Incarnation and Sangsara, it’s
explicitly shown that we should always let go some silly and unnecessary
thoughts which are the root causes for all sorrows. Knowing more about Karma,
you will know that everyone must responsible for every single thing you’ve

It’s always hard for us to forsake our long-time-existing
habit, even though we know that they are silly. But it’s always good for us to remind
ourselves to live with a peaceful soul everyday, and not to be stubborn,
selfish, and greedy. May this world full with love and peacefulness.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

伤城 (The Confession of Pain)



- 梁朝伟。他精湛的表演牵动了整套戏的脉搏,他深沉的眼神告诉了你何谓用眼睛来演戏,他入木三分的演技证明了他多届影帝的殊荣。总觉得没有多少个人可以像他这样,把这一个带着复仇包袱的复杂人物演的这么入神,尤其喜欢看他在秘密几乎要被揭穿时,冷静地戴上眼镜,从容的带着冷笑去应付,但就让我敬佩的一幕,莫过于接近片末时,看着心爱的女人被自己伤害到躺在床上奄奄一息,并被金成武质问时,他说道:“她也是我的家人。”语末,一滴眼泪悄然滑落,没有用太多激动的表情就能完全展现出迟来的懊悔、心痛以及顿悟,完全符合片中人物深沉且不可捉摸的性格。

